Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

For you, Pa...

I regret, Pa...
For I chose to finish 'Narnia' than helped you who were very tired after work.

I regret, Pa...
For I did my hobbies than helped Ma who was very old to massage you that night.

I regret, Pa..
For I was too childish to let my ego get bigger than I was ever.

I apologize you.
Don't you see that I really regret?
Don't you feel that I am really sad?

Do not ignore me.
I will do anything you ask.

Do not keep in silence to me.
I will listen anything you say.

I apologize you...

I still remember when you said that I was a lucky child,
For I can massage you, be closer to you than any others...

I still remember when you said that I was a blessed woman,
For I can teach English well and the students I teach are loving me..

I miss your joke,
Your smile,
Your laugh,
Your hidden love.

I miss every single thing we ever did on a pair of chairs in front of TV which has been empty for days...

I really miss you, Pa...

Rumah Hijau; January, 22th, 2012th; 2.00 a.m.

_Do'a numa slalu buat Bapak dan Mama, Terima kasih. *-*

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